
Reducing our Environmental Footprint

Our concern for the environment impact has led to our own energy efficiency improvements and cost savings.

We look to reduce our impact through the conservation of natural resources, including water. We recycle wherever we can and look to reduce our paper usage, with the aim of becoming a paperless office by 2025. Our head office is completely fitted with energy saving LED light bulbs and every electronic device is switched off at the end of each day.

Our environmental management is part of our strategy and we endeavour to pursue new environmental initiatives that are aligned with our business priorities.

Increasing our Social Responsibility

At Prolec, we fully recognise our responsibilities; as an employer, as a business that has an impact on our environment, and as a member of our local community.

We do more than simply help our clients to be more secure and better prepared for the future. We are dedicated to the  community around us, supporting local good causes that offer vital assistance and services for local people.

Our commitment to our community extends to the local schools, where we pledge to give at least 30 hours of knowledge sharing each year.

When we look to expand our team, we always seek out local people that share our values.